6 Tips to Follow for Better Eye Care this Winter

Posted by: Clear Advantage in Featured on January 12, 2023

The winter season can be hard on your mind and body, and your eyes are no exception. The winter months can affect your eyes differently, from heating systems and harsh winds to more time spent inside looking at screens or digital devices.  While you should take good care of your eyes no matter the season,… Read More

7 Signs You are a Good LASIK Candidate

Posted by: Clear Advantage in Featured, LASIK on December 2, 2022

Are you considering trading your glasses for lifelong visual freedom by getting LASIK? A laser vision correction procedure is a life-changing experience that can transform your daily life.  However, like every other procedure, it’s not a good fit for everyone. LASIK works by gently reshaping the cornea, the transparent outer part of your eye, with… Read More

What is Keratoconus?

Posted by: Clear Advantage in Featured, Uncategorized on October 26, 2022

Did you know that all eyes are not always perfectly round? Some people’s eyes can start to bulge, changing their shape. When you have keratoconus, it causes the shape of the eyes to become irregular and affects your ability to see.  One in every 2,000 people has keratoconus. It develops gradually, usually beginning in adolescence… Read More

How Long Does it Take to Recover from LASIK?

Posted by: Clear Advantage in Featured, LASIK on September 12, 2022

Have you been thinking of joining the millions worldwide who have achieved visual freedom with LASIK? In use for over two decades, laser vision correction procedures are life-changing.  Why? They can transform your vision.  One concern that potential candidates have is that they need to take time out of their routine and lives to have… Read More

How Do I Know if I’m a Good LASIK Candidate?

Posted by: Clear Advantage in Featured, LASIK on July 20, 2022

Are you tired of having to wear glasses or contacts every day? Every year, millions of people undergo LASIK to achieve their dreams of visual freedom.  What’s not to love about a world where you can see clearly without anything in your way? Contrary to what you may have heard, LASIK is a permanent way… Read More

4 LASIK Myths and Urban Legends to Forget

Posted by: Clear Advantage in Featured, LASIK on June 24, 2022

What have you heard about LASIK? Because the procedure is so popular, you may have already heard many misconceptions. When considering a life-changing vision correction procedure like LASIK, the best thing you can do for yourself is to understand what’s true and what’s not about it. Understanding LASIK and how it works is key in… Read More